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Hybrid Cloud Solutions




Hybrid Cloud Solutions

Simple, Durable, Compliant and Massively Scalable Cloud Storage

A growing collection of integrated cloud services to build, deploy, and manage your mortgage company through a global network of data centers

Find your best path to a truly consistent hybrid cloud.  It's simple to move large volumes of data into or out of our MortgageWorkSpace® cloud. Once data is stored, it can be automatically tiered into lower cost, longer-term cloud storage classes - Infrequent Access and archiving. Decide which assets to keep on-premises, while using common skill sets across both. Why trust our solutions?  Access Business Technologies uses Amazon and Microsoft Azure's cloud technology, among our own data centers.  Plus over 50 years of leadership in the mortgage technology industry.  Sign up for our hybrid cloud solutions to help your business right-size its IT environment, improve agility, and reduce costs.

 On premise as well as in the cloud, or move completely to the cloud.  Access Business Technologies has your mortgage company covered



Protect your mortgage business with the most trusted cloud

>  Fast spin up of your own private virtual data center

Achieve global scale, in local regions

Focus on your mortgage business, not hardware

Fully integrated with the top mortage software and applications


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