Mortgage Software Solutions Blog

How Business Intelligence Could Revolutionize the Mortgage Industry

How many information systems does your mortgage company deal with on a daily or weekly basis? How many databases do you need to navigate in order to close a mortgage loan? Stop and consider how many more sources of data are feeding into your IT network than are evident at first glance. Wouldn’t you love to have the reporting and analysis tools to help you make the most of all this data? The right business intelligence system for mortgage companies can put an information revolution into your hands and drive your lending business to the top of the market.

Topics: MortgageWorkSpace Business Intelligence

4 Reasons to Implement a Mortgage Business Intelligence Strategy

BI visuals help employees in the company get on the same page.

Business Intelligence (BI) has come a long way since its first implementation.

Topics: Cloud Services Business Intelligence Mortgage BI

Why Cyber Security Comes First in the Mortgage Software Market

Equally important: physical security and cyber security.

The finance industry’s data-handling platforms have a clear bulls-eye on them.

Topics: Hosted Software options Mortgage Servicing in the Cloud mobile security mobile device security email security data security mortgage company security financial data security social networking safety phishing multi-factor authentication Business Intelligence cybersecurity mortgage documents security data warehousing

4 Ways Loan Management Software Improves the Mortgage Experience

Financial management software makes everyday interactions smoother for mortgage lenders.

Mortgage software has relied on legacy infrastructures and paper processes for far too long.

Topics: mobile device security email security data security phishing multi-factor authentication Business Intelligence cybersecurity Mortgage BI mortgage documents cloud storage productivity mortgage business mortgage industry cloud-based data Housing Market Mortgage Lending disaster recovery MBA

Why Mortgage Companies Need Built-In Compliance Tools

Business data is available at your fingertips, but is it protected?

If your mortgage company isn’t talking about advanced data governance, you’ve missed the memo.

Topics: Mortgage Servicing in the Cloud Access Business Technologies MortgageExchange cyber security information security for mortgage companies DeviceGuardian MortgageWorkSpace data security mortgage company security financial data security multi-factor authentication Business Intelligence cybersecurity mortgage industry cloud-based data Housing Market

4 Reasons to Implement a Mortgage Business Intelligence Strategy

BI visuals help employees in the company get on the same page.

Topics: Cloud Services information security for mortgage companies data interface solution data security mortgage software integration Business Intelligence Mortgage BI security productivity mortgage business mortgage regulations mobile technology mortgage industry

Lawmakers Crack Down on Consumer Data Breaches


New bill to increase cybersecurity oversight in the United States.

Topics: cyber security financial data security multi-factor authentication Business Intelligence disaster recovery

The Evolution From Old-School Reporting to Modern Data Warehousing

Data warehousing is an out-of-date concept for many people, commonly associated with SQL, batch reporting, and long wait times in order to get any of the data. But today’s data warehouses are vastly different, and as a mortgage company, you have to look at the evolution of data warehousing and realize that old-school reporting and data storage may be driving you towards noncompliance.

Topics: Business Intelligence Mortgage BI data warehousing

6 Reasons You Need MortgageWorkSpace® With Business Intelligence

With all the changes going on in the world of technology today, it's apparent to us that mortgage companies need more (and better) data to drive their business and security decisions. With MortgageWorkSpace® now featuring Business Intelligence, mortgage companies can easily obtain, organize, and act on that information from the cloud-based platform they know and love.

Topics: ABT MortgageWorkSpace Business Intelligence