Mortgage Software Solutions Blog

Chris Schwartz-Edmisten

Recent Posts by Chris Schwartz-Edmisten:

Access Business Technologies Attends DMD's 2011 User Conference

Just returned from DMD's user conference...Wow, what a busy 3 days.  They covered topics such as Compliance/Closing, Secondary Marketing, the Origination Process, Underwriting, Funding/Quality Assurance and finishing up with Delivery to Investors. Their conference has grown from the first time ABT was

invited as a vendor.  If I recall correctly, there were maybe two of us (vendors) there.  This year 20 of the major names in mortgage software and support services attended, each organization showing their latest advancements in mortgage systems.  The event was very well attended, with users getting many opportunities to advance their DMD product knowledge.  There were breakout sessions, core training opportunities and a huge emphasis on taking time to network with other users, providing insight on how they utilize the DMD product suite.  The conference wound up with a fun night at HAZE one of the great night clubs there at the Aria resort.  

Topics: Access Business Technologies DMD DataTrac User Conference

Our Newest Mortgage Software Hosting Environment

We would like to announce our latest data center roll out.  This data center hosting environment was launched specifically to provide an even better user experience for our Midwest and East Coast customers.

Topics: Hosted Mortgage Software ABT Data Centers Faster Access for East Coast

ABT Attends Harland Clarke's User Conference

Week before last, ABT was again part of a very successful Harland Clarke User Group Conference.  Our booth was right in the heart of the Vendor's Meeting Hall (ABT hosts Harland's mortgage software "E3" and "Servicing Director") at Disney's Coronado Resort and Conference Center in Orlando.  

Topics: Harland User Conference Hosted E3 Hosted Servicing Director

Who's making your mortgage software decisions?

I was recently ran into someone who's job title was "Software Consultant".  "Why would someone need a software consultant?" I asked, "Doesn't that normally fall on the IT department?".  I was told that in most cases it did.  But in some cases this may not be the best way to bring on critical software for an organizations. The following list gives a few reasons why a Software Consultant may help a company make better software decisions:

Topics: Hosted Software decisions Picking Software Hosted Software options Hosted Software Hosted Software issues On Demand Software

SAS 70 Type II and mortgage software hosting.

We received our updated SAS 70 Type II report today.  I can now get this out to the banks and credit unions who host their mortgage software with us.  Each year banking regulators come into their offices to check on the processes that are in place to protect client information.  Other than a mortgage loan document I honestly don't know of a single document that contains more sensitive personal data on it. Banking regulators want to make sure that data is safe and secure.  ABT has taken on the task of securing this certification ourselves. 
We do not rely on our data centers.  We engage a 3rd party auditing company who comes in and reviews our processes and environment.  If a process does not hold up an exception report is created listing the items that need "fixing".

Topics: Hosted Mortgage Software SAS 70 Type II Certification

It may be time to hire a mortgage software hosting company if: (Part One)

As a member of a technology company, who hosts-manages and delivers mortgage software over the internet, I have had the opportunity to visit many offices across the country.  During these onsite visits, I often have the opportunity to see their "in-house server room".  I am amazed on how creative some organizations are when building their internal "server room".  

Topics: Hosting yourself alternatives Managed Mortgage software hosting software hosting

Hosted Mortgage Software - slowness issues solved

Recently I was on the phone with a client who was having issues with latency over their internet connection.  An example of latency is when you are typing info onto an online form.  If there is a split- second delay between the time you hit the character on the key board and its appearance on the computer screen, you are experiencing latency.  Back to the case... When the client called they were ready to change out a hosted mortgage program that they identified as being slow and inefficient, for another.  The hosted application in question is very well known and we have clients all over the country who use it every day with no problems.

Topics: Mortgage Software Managed Hosting On Demand Software Mortgage Software Latency Managed software hosting issues

Mortgage Software Hosting; Top 5 questions to ask a hosting company



Topics: On Demand Software Hosting SAS70 Type II Mortgage Software Hosting