Mortgage Software Solutions Blog

The Evolution From Old-School Reporting to Modern Data Warehousing

Data warehousing is an out-of-date concept for many people, commonly associated with SQL, batch reporting, and long wait times in order to get any of the data. But today’s data warehouses are vastly different, and as a mortgage company, you have to look at the evolution of data warehousing and realize that old-school reporting and data storage may be driving you towards noncompliance.

Topics: Business Intelligence Mortgage BI data warehousing

Email Security Tips Your Mortgage Customers Should Know

Mortgage customers make heavy use of the Internet today. People are used to carrying on business with online forms and email, even where they'd have expected face-to-face meetings and paper just a few years ago. Online activity, especially email, carries risks of fraud and information theft. It's the responsibility of mortgage professionals to advise their customers on how to keep that risk low.

Topics: EmailGuardian email security

ABT will be at the annual MBA convention in Boston

Topics: ABT MortgageWorkSpace Mortgage BI

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Every October since 2004, the United States has observed National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Computer security is always important, but the month when spooks, zombies, and demons are on display is a fitting time for the mortgage business to give it focused attention.

Topics: ABT MortgageWorkSpace cybersecurity

FFIEC Cybersecurity Assessment Tool: What You Should Know

By now, you may have heard the hype surrounding the new assessment tool from the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC). This powerful new tool is critically important to mortgage businesses of all sizes, enabling them to better evaluate the health and maturity of their cybersecurity systems. We’ve provided a comprehensive guide of the most important things you should know about the new FFIEC Cybersecurity Assessment Tool.

Topics: cybersecurity FFIEC